Save The Date 1-18-24

Save the Date

We are so excited to announce that on January 18, 2024 at 7:15pm we will be having our first full committee meeting. The location will be announced in a second communication that will go out by January 5, 2024. At this meeting we will discuss goals for the upcoming year and go over a plan to successfully launch the Youth Leadership Academy.

Below you will find a link to the Sign Up Genius for all of the various sub-committees. Please take the time to glance over them and sign up for a committee prior to January 18th. If you have any questions about a committee please feel free to reach out to us and we can help!

Committee Sign Up Genius

Thank You Fall Ball Supporters!

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Fall Ball in November! Together we were able to raise enough funds to send 9-10 kids through the academy!!! Our team is currently working on grants to secure funds for 5-10 more spots. We are so incredibly grateful for your partnership!

Thank You to our Fall Ball Sponsors

Adams Insurance, Houston Barricade and Supply, Primrose Summerwood, the Herin Family Foundation, Charles Reich, Krystal Morrell

Megan Waldrop