808 Russel Palmer Dr
Kingwood, Tx 77339
Progress on the Leadership Academy
We have met at least once and in most cases, twice with, each committee working on all aspects of the Youth Leadership Academy.
Our content has been created and speakers have been identified for our Meet and Greet Event and for sessions 1-3 for the academy. We will be meeting this month on March 17 to build out the content for sessions 4-6.
We have received a grant from the National Mentoring Resource Center to build our Mentorship Program from the ground up. These initial meetings and communications have been completed and we are in the next phase of developing our Mentor Program.
We have also received a grant from Google for a Google Suite for Non-Profits account. This amazing grant has allowed to upgrade our email and pages, professionally.
We have finalized our application and cover letter and are in the process of working with Humble ISD to get it distributed to the 6 local high schools in Humble ISD.
What we still need help with:
Identifying Sponsors for our Leadership Academy and Students
Working on Grant funding for the Leadership Academy
Gathering supplies for the Academy
Identifying a few more mentors for our program
It is our highest priority that the Youth Leadership Academy will always be free of cost to all of our applicants, which is why we need your help in identifying corporate and individual sponsors for our academy. If you have any ideas, you can email:
I am also attaching our Academy Amazon wishlist and sponsorship levels below.
Academy Amazon Wishlist
Become a Youth Leadership Sponsor Today!
Join us in the development of Growth, Change and Opportunities for the youth in our community
Program Sponsor – $5,000
(Limit 2)
Program Sponsors will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with name and logo in our newsletter
Be recognized with name and logo on all marketing materials used during the YLA program year
Be invited to our mock interview day
Recognized by logo prominently featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
Receive a table at our annual Lake Houston Outreach Gala
Day Sponsor – $2500
(Limit 5)
Day Sponsors will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with name and logo in our newsletter
Be recognized with name and logo on any material used during your selected day of the program
Be invited to our mock interview day
Be recognized with logo prominently featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
Receive 2 tickets to our annual Lake Houston Outreach Gala
Event Sponsor - $2000
(Limit 3)
Event Sponsor will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with name and logo in our newsletter
Be recognized with name and logo on any material used during the three special events throughout the program
Be invited to our mock interview day
Be recognized with logo prominently featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
Be featured at the three special events
Receive 2 tickets to our annual Lake Houston Outreach Gala
Sponsor a Student – $1000
(Limit 12)
Future Leader sponsors will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with name and logo in our newsletter
Be invited to our mock interview day
Be recognized with logo or family name featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
Supporter of YLA and LHO– $500
Supporters of YLA and LHO sponsors will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with name and logo in our newsletter
Be recognized with logo or family name featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
Friend of YLA and LHO – $150
Friends of YLA and LHO sponsors will:
Be recognized with name and logo on our social media and website platforms
Be recognized with logo or family name featured on a banner at all of our LHO/YLA events
We are also seeking companies who would be willing to sponsor either a breakfast or a lunch for a session at the Academy. We currently have 5 meals that have been covered, but will need an additional 11 meals that will be needed (5 breakfasts and 6 lunches)
***If you or your business would like to sponsor or provide a lunch or breakfast, please let us know! Thank you!
We are so grateful to our community partners and to your commitment to the development and growth of the youth in our community!
Youth Leadership Academy Schedule