All photography provided by Jared Chambers

Our Mission

Lake Houston Outreach seeks to serve the emotional, physical and financial needs of families and individuals living in the Lake Houston community with compassion and joy.

Our Vision

Lake Houston Outreach was founded as a nonprofit which is committed to supporting the Lake Houston Area. We focus on providing volunteers and grants to organizations working in our community in order to help those living in the Lake Houston area thrive. We also strive to promote a sense of camaraderie between our members and our community partners. In addition, Lake Houston Outreach strives to focus on promoting activities that foster strong leadership and stewardship characteristics among the youth members in our community.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
— Mother Teresa

Founding Members

Andrea Low, Megan Waldrop, Angela Smith, Carol Prince and Beth Hancock

In 2019, we saw a need in our community and worked hard to create a non-profit dedicated to meeting those needs. Over the years we have served the Houston food bank, HAAM, Arbor Terrace, and Texas Children’s Hospital. However, more recently, we have all felt pulled to specifically develop a program that is dedicated to serving the Youth in our community and helping them to develop the skills they need to succeed once they have graduated from high school. In 2023, we undertook our largest project to date and started the development the Youth Leadership Academy that will have its first co-hort of students starting in September of 2024.

Committee Members

Sabrine Carr
Suzanne Birch
Vanessa Elledge
Laney Weber
Elizabeth Perry
Tiffany Venekamp
Kimberly Richardson
Jim Smith
David Johnson
Britany Crawford
Carrie Shaver
Leslie Moore
Kelly Culver
Tammie Headlee
Bob Headlee
Megan Styron
Brittney Mittag
Diane Likeness
Christina Flores
Chanicka Henry

What could happen, what might you learn, who might you become, what might I do in you, because you said “YES”
— unknown